Why do we use Genesis Simple Hooks Plugin ?
Genesis Framework has been just new for few years ago, but it is very comfortable for me to write the blog, support to optimize for SEO, slight for us to adjust, or modify the theme. Today I would like to introduce you the Genesis Simple Hooks. I found that it is very useful for me when I want to modify the theme: You can insert PHP, HTML... code in +50 hooks on themes. If you want exactly the position of the Hooks on a theme, you can refer the article about using Genesis Visual Hook Guide Plugin. The general position you can take a look the picture below:Set up Genesis Simple Hooks Plugin
Step 1:Install the Simple Hook plugin to your wordpress: Download Plugin
After you install Simple Hook plugin, you will see "Simple Hooks" in your dashboard as below:
Step 2
Click to "Simple Hooks" then you will see the picture below:
Then you can insert PHP, HTML code to those Hooks: for example, advertisement or something you like!
By this way, I can be easy to modify or adjust my website quickly. I think it is useful for me (the person is not a coder or designer).
Hope it useful for you.
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