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Download Genesis Framework 1.9

Written By Nguyen on Thursday, March 20, 2014 | 7:00 PM

This is completetly new look for Genesis: The look has been change, and rewritten with compatible for mobile design. Take a look the picture below for Genesis Framework 1.9:

 Genesis Framework 1.9

The authorship is also supported by Genesis 1.9 now.
It will make the relation between your article and Google+ profile. For make authorship with Genesis 1.9: find the field you enter Google+ account URL, save this setting. That is all. If you want to do associate the author with homepage, you can use in SEO setting in Genesis 1.9.
Read why Google plays a critical role in building a successful online business and should be inevitable part of your content marketing strategy. It’s very important to us that we provide you the absolute best framework possible, so once again we hired WordPress Lead Developer Mark Jaquith to perform a full review of code for security as he’s done in the past.
It’s clear StudioPress made security a priority when developing Genesis and from a security standpoint, Genesis 1.9 is at the top of its class.
Genesis has always included some useful widgets to help you build your sites faster and easier. We realized that some of these widgets should really be plugins, so authors can push out updates more frequently.
With that said, the “eNews & Updates” and “Latest Tweets” widgets are being ported to plugins, and will eventually be removed from Genesis. We deprecated the Category and Page menu widgets a few releases ago, and as of this release, we’ve completely removed them from the framework.
If you were still using either of these widgets, you will notice that your menu is no longer showing. You will need to build a custom menu and add the custom menu widget to the Header Right widget area

Download Genesis Framework 1.9.2 below:
Download Genesis Framework 1.9


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